Farm engagement photography London Ontario

Farm engagement photography London Ontario

Farm engagement photography London Ontario

I’m excited to photograph Elise & Jeff’s wedding today at St. Peter’s Cathedral Basilica & Parish and Bellamere.

  • We both have jobs in sales where we are on the road a lot and out of town. Unsure of how to meet anyone, we turned to Tinder! We matched and decided to meet right away. We both could tell that this was something special so we got pretty serious very quickly. Such a millennial way to meet, but we are so happy to have found each other!
  • Tall and handsome! Tall and beautiful!
  • We went to Portugal to visit Jeff’s Grandparents and for Elise to meet them for the first time. The trip consisted of a few stops before we ended up in Braga with Jeff’s family. We visited Libon and then we went to Porto. Porto is where they make Port Wine – so good! We were staying in a beautiful 400 year old building and enjoying a nice bottle of wine while we shared our feelings about each other. Looking out the window at the beautiful view. Jeff had asked me to go grab something from my luggage in the other room, in the meantime he decided this was the time! He ripped out the ring box from his backpack and unwrapped it from the socks that were hiding the box. Continuing on with our wine and mushy thoughts to each other. Jeff got down on his knees and put his ehad in my lap so that I could play with his hair. He came up with red teary eyes and explained that he couldn’t imagine life without me and asked me to be his wife. The first few questions out of my mouth were out of shock and suspicion. Jeff had joked that he was going to pretend to propose a few times so that it would always keep me guessing. So I asked; “Are you serious?”, “Is that thing real?? It looks too beautiful to be fake!”, “When did you have time to ask my parents?” and then I continued to ball my eyes out. I was in such shock and was so happy I am so glad that we were not out in public when he popped the question! We then spent the next day wine touring around and enjoying many port wine tastings being a newly engaged couple. We also got to surprise Jeff’s parents (who were also in Portigal visiting Jeff’s Grandparents at the same time) and Jeff’s Grandparents! It was such an amazing trip!
  • There are too many to count, we LOVE to travel. Every single trip is a new adventure. We got SCUBA certified together and that is one of our favourite things to do together. Seeing a whole new world under the water is amazing.
  • Our determination to do better and become better. We are both like minded and enjoy being active, playing games, traveling and so much more. We do everything together.
  • As an elegant PARTY. We want everyone to have a blast and we hope to have many laughs with everyone.
  • Above out living room couch, front and centre. We also want to build a photo collage that goes up the strairs to the second level and down the stairs to the basement.
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