Longwoods Conservation Engagement session

Longwoods Conservation Engagement session

Longwoods Conservation Engagement session

Clara and I are off to the Elm Hurst Inn to photograph Arlene & Keith’s big day today! I had a great time meeting them and their kids at their early fall Longwoods Conservation Engagement session, looking forward to what their big day will bring!

  • My niece and his daughter were best friends in Highschool. We were both single and they decided to hook us up, so I thought why not? I messaged Keith on fb and we chatted for the next couple of days, then we exchanged phone numbers and talked every night while I was in England on a work trip. When I got home he took me out for dinner and we started dating.
  • It was Christmas Eve and all the kids were home but they bailed on us early to go to their separate rooms. Keith and I had just finished putting out all the presents and setting up for Christmas morning when he told me there was one more gift. He asked if I wanted it now and ofcourse I did. He walked over to me, got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I didn’t retain much of what he said because I couldn’t believe it was happening and I didn’t stop talking long enough to let him get many words in, which is not uncommon 😆
  • Going to the couples resort and spending the weekend in a romantic setting, going out on the boat and just hanging out just the two of us.
  • In the living room or hallway
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