Winter engagement Mill Pond

Winter engagement Mill Pond

I’m finally off to photography Emily & Aaron’s big day, what was meant to be a summer 2020 wedding will for sure be everything they have dreamed of and more! I loved photographing their Winter engagement mill pond in Dorchester session. 

  • Because you were offering the look that we were looking for and I loved the fact that we could get two photographers to be with us the whole time to capture the entire day not just the ceremony and the Inbetweeners taking photos I wanted somebody who stayed with us the whole time to capture our entire day because the entire day matters not just the ceremony and then we absolutely loved that you were Australian that was our favourite part that’s what cross the T‘s and dotted the I’s.
  • Me and Aaron met through both of our children my son Tyler and Aaron‘s son Andrew we’re friends in school and Tyler asked if he could have Andrew come with us to Canada‘s Wonderland for Tyler‘s birthday so I got his dad‘s name and found him on Facebook and messaged him to let him know that we were interested in taking Andrew to Wonderland with us. After that message Aaron added me to Facebook which was now five years ago officially LOL and when I showed up to pick up Andrew at Aaron‘s house he was heavily flirting in which I was very forward and told him I was not interested LOL a little while after that Aaron found me on and messaged me asking me why I was on LOL we became friends first and hung out with the kids and I would go watch Andrew play hockey and I would help Aaron with his dating issues with other girls and I started to realize that I was giving him bad advice because I wanted him to break up with these girls LOL that’s when I knew I liked Aaron more than a friend. I moved into his house after three months of dating
  • My first thought of aaron were he wears plaid jeans and dad shoes he must drive a tractor and live on a farm LOL I was right about all of those things he was definitely not my type
  • The proposal story is a funny one I told him I wanted to get engaged on our first date LOL and then I expected to be engaged within the next couple of years or I would MoveOn I was very forward and told him what I was exactly looking for so he knew that The clock is ticking LOL we had visited many jewellery stores and looked at all kinds of different rings and he was very determined that he wanted me to have one solid diamond solitaire ring he thought it looked more classy and I’m far from classy LOL so I showed him all kinds of other rings that I liked that were giant. There was a jewellery store that we finally found the ring that I wanted and I knew the woman there and I kept going in every single day asking did he buy it yet? Did he buy it yet? And she would always say not yet it’s right here. Me and Aaron had planned to go to the Dominican together on a vacation without the children and I got my nails done the day before we left and I hadn’t been over to the jewellery store in a few days to see if the ring was still there or not, so I went in the day before to the jewellery store and asked did he buy it yet and she said no he didn’t sorry somebody else bought it and it’s gone I was devastated and I was sad so the next day we packed her things and left for the Dominican and then I thought to myself maybe he did buy the ring but I seen all of our stuff and it wasn’t anywhere in our luggage so I was second-guessing myself the whole trip. When we got to the Hotel aaron ask the people at the front desk if we could pre-book some of our dinners so he booked a a really fancy romantic restaurant where we had to dress up really super nice and they play music and stuff like that and then he planned one of the dinner as well as on the beach at night time with a bunch of other couples we’re also having their dinners on the beach that night and then he planned a Italian dinner for one night that we would go to so in the back of my mind I thought wow maybe if he has the ring he will propose at the big giant fancy place so we went to the beach dinner first, So during dinner we ate everything was nice it was so secluded where we were sitting we could see people from far away but the hotel was having a party behind us so we could hear massive loud music that was like party music and then on the beach they were playing romantic music so we could hear both sides of music and we were laughing and making fun of the fact that wow this is romantic we can hear all the booty shaken music behind us LOL and then our dessert came and my dessert was shaped like a diamond ring and a chocolate box and I started laughing and I said oh God are you proposing right now is this my ring? LOL and we laughed and then we ate a little bit of our dessert and then Aaron said I will be right back I have to go to the bathroom so I didn’t think anything of it as I was sitting at the table he was literally gone for a minute and a half and I heard him walking back so I turned around and said wow that was fast and he walked over and sat down and then I noticed behind him was a guy holding a camera and he was recording us and I was like what is going on? And then Aaron said I know you’ve been waiting for this for a long time, and I said for white in a very confused tone LOL and he said will you marry me? And I said yes and then the guy Holding the camera got all excited and he started talking and making kissing sounds and it all got caught on camera LOL
  • We want to hang all of our wedding photographs in our living room bedroom, and the foyer leading upstairs
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