Creative engagement session London Ontario

Creative engagement session London Ontario

Creative engagement session London Ontario

Tracy and Eric’s spring engagement session at the magnolia trees in Springbank park was moved up when the trees bloomed early. We had lovely golden light for the first half of the session but the clouds rolled in and it got pretty dark, which meant I was able to put my lighting skills to work for their Creative engagement session London Ontario. I loved that they included their nursing and fire fighting uniforms.

  • We met for our first date at Wildwood Conservation Area near St. Mary’s for snowshoeing. I came overly prepared with a backpack with water, snacks, and a first aid kit., which Eric still jokes about to this day. We snowshoed for the afternoon, and then Eric suggested we go for a walk in Springbank Park followed by dinner. It was a long first date, but neither of us seemed to want to wrap it up. After dinner, Eric pulled a bouquet of flowers from his truck, the first flowers I’d ever been given.
  • I thought Eric was very quiet and kind. He was just happy to be out in nature in good company. Eric says that I looked very serious at first, which is his kind way of saying I had resting b*tch face, which he says thankfully is just the look I have when I am thinking or concentrating and not reflective of my personality.
  • Every year Eric takes me on a long weekend trip for my birthday. I had never been to Western Canada, and he planned out a five day long road trip spread across parts of Alberta and BC. We travelled through the rocky mountains, which was amazing, and spent time in my favourite place, nature. We went on several hikes and got to see many waterfalls during our stay. Waterfalls are special to us, because he first told me he loved me at the bottom of a waterfall in Northern Ontario. On my birthday, we were visiting Takakkaw falls in BC, and he asked some passerbys if they would mind getting a photo of us up by the waterfalls. Well, imagine my confusion and surprise when I turn to see Eric rummaging around in a backpack and pulling out a ring. I was completely shocked, which is made funnier by the fact that prior to leaving on the trip I thought that he would probably be proposing. But, sometime amidst the excitement of seeing all the landmarks, trekking around the different waterfalls and hiking trails, and just enjoying our time together away, I had completely forgotten about this possibility. Well played Eric, well played.
  • I love Eric’s work ethic. He’s committed to his passion as a carpenter and works tirelessly to continue to build his construction company. I love Tracy’s dedication and determination. When she commits to something there’s no question she’ll follow through even if there’s missteps and setbacks.
  • We hope that our friends and family see our wedding as the celebration of a new chapter in our joining book of life.
  • We are currently renovating our quaint war time home, so we don’t have any specific location for them yet.

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