Inclusive Wedding Photographer London Ontario

Inclusive Wedding Photographer London Ontario

Inclusive Wedding Photographer London Ontario

On the first day of spring last year I was lucky enough to photograph Lucy & Andreilys’ elopement at civic gardens. They contacted me just a few days beforehand and I was more than happy to give them a custom hourly package. We are Inclusive Wedding Photographer London Ontario, that means value inclusivity, regardless of however you look, whomever you love, however you identify, wherever you worship, however you are able, you are welcome here. 

The lovely couple got super lucky with the weather and I just loved how their simple white gowns popped against the brown tones of the beginning of spring. I love when couples incorporate personalized details like their matching sneakers, the colourful brazilian deserts, photos of their cat and other loving memories strung on their cake table. I really think that their love shines through in these photographs, showing that no matter how big your celebration is, you can still have beautiful photographs to look back on and to show friends and family who couldn’t be there in person.

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