Best of 2016: Wedding Photography

Best of 2016: Wedding Photography

London Ontario Wedding Photography

This was a big year for weddings- I photographed 31 in Ontario and was Bride, Maid of Honour and Bridesmaid outside of Ontario! I have decided to split up the wedding photography blogs this year as otherwise they would be far too long and I find it hard to cut down! The posts will be this one which is couples (and a couple of just the bride or groom), this wednesday will be Wedding Parties and next wednesday will be candid moments. There are so many more shots from each of these weddings that I could have chosen that I really could make a much larger series of these blogs, including best dress shot, best ring shot etc, but the list would go on forever but I promise that in the coming months all of the weddings will be featured right here on my blog so be sure to check back!

Below you will see some of my favourite images from the year, you’ll see some from all of the seasons. Some on freezing winter days, I did 4 weddings this year that with the humidity were 40 degrees or over and everything in between. I everything from elopements with just a couple of guests to 300 guest affairs. I photographed weddings in locations such as Muskoka, Belmont, St Thomas, Ingersoll, Woodstock, Melbourne, Thamesford, Mt Brydges, St Marys, as well as many of the local London venues. If you would like more information about my London Ontario Wedding Photography follow this link.

To kick off the new year I thought I would put together a series of blogs showing some of my favourite photos I captured in 2016. You can catch up on the previous posts below-

Best of 2016: Mini sessions
Best of 2016: Business Headshots and Model Portfolios
Best of 2016: Pet Photography
Best of 2016: Maternity Photography
Best of 2016: Newborn Photography
Best of 2016: Cake Smash Photography
Best of 2016: Family Photography
Best of 2016: Boudoir Photography
Best of 2016: Pin Up Photography
Best of 2016: Engagement Photography


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