Best of 2015: Business Headshot Photography London Ontario

Best of 2015: Business Headshot Photography London Ontario

Wrap up of Erin Woodgate Photography’s best Business Headshot Photography London Ontario!

2015 brought more Business Headshot Photography London Ontario than I had done in previous years which I think had a big part to do with opening the studio space in September! To kick off the new year I thought I would put together a series of blogs showing some of my favourite photos I captured in 2015. You can catch up on the previous posts below-
Best of 2015 Boudoir photography where I announced the Valentine’s Day boudoir mini sessions
Best of 2015 Mini Sessions where I announced the Valentine’s Day Mini Sessions
Best of 2015 Cake smash

For business headshot sessions I look at it as a process of elimination to find exactly what suits you. The colours you are wearing will determine the background and then from there I do a variety of shots of different angles of your face in a few different poses. Model portfolios are quite different in that they are more often on location so we work with the differing locations and wardrobe to get variety in the shots. These images can be used in social media, on your website and promotional material such as business cards. I really think it is so important to be able to put a face to a name and making sure that the image that is representing you is professional is very important, plus it is a business expense!

In the images below you will see a bunch of studio headshots taken this year a well as a few on location business headshot photography london ontario. Follow this link to see more details of business headshots and model portfolios.

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