Awesome Mondays part 14

Todays seniors portraits are from our second date at the Chelsey Park home. Lots of fun was had and it was great to meet lots of new people as well as see some familiar faces. 
Hair by Mallory
Makeup by Shealee and Michelle
I don’t think I’ve ever met someone quite like Helen, she has such a big personality, without having to say too much. When some of the ladies were there chatting about pulling a fire alarm to get some firefighters in the building to check out her transformation we got a big hubba hubba, because she, like many of us ladies, likes firefighters.

Rosina said that she enjoyed the pampering and had been a long time since she had her last photo taken but had makeup done before.

Trudy doesn’t usually like the hairdresser but didn’t mind being pampered on our visit. Her daughters were coming to visit from out of town later that week so she was looking forward to seeing them and telling them about the day. 

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