Awesome Mondays part 13

Well here I am sharing the last of the shots I took on our first visit to the Chelsey, and just in good time as I’m currently editing the shots taken form the latest round of portraits! Last monday at the Awesome London pitch night I announced that 10% of all sales from portrait sessions will go towards the project. So if you would like to book and get some great portraits as well as helping us to visit more homes, please contact me!
Germaine said she had a lovely time and enjoys having her makeup and hair done but couldn’t remember the last time having a portrait taken. Her lovely pink earrings and flower brought in that added bit of colour to her already great choice of colour dress for the photos. 

When we visited the Chelsey the second time Marylin told us that she liked the whole experience so much that she wanted to do it again, but understood that we would like to give as many different people a chance to do it. 

Another participant was the lady above who we actually photographed in her own home. She was very interested in learning about how to apply the makeup and still keep a natural look. She, like many others told me that she doesn’t take a good photo but I think that with that twinkle in her eye we came up with something nice for her to share.

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