Another awesome start to the week, well, except for the rain. Last week I dropped off the portraits to the residents of Chelsey Park and unfortunately I didn’t have time to go around and deliver them to everyone myself but the recreation co-ordinator there was looking through ooing and ahhing at them when I dropped them off so I’m sure that the participants would have been happy with them and I’m looking forward to the next date!
Gail was the only person I was able to see her reaction in person as she was with the recreation coordinator when I dropped off the portraits and she had a very modest reaction. On the day of the hair and makeup though, I was told that when she went upstairs she was getting cat calls by some of the other residents 
Helen is one amazing lady, you would have seen her in the behind the scenes photos playing the piano. She is 98 years old, sings and plays the piano, but has never had a lesson in her life. Learned music from listening to songs and learning them by ear. Thinks people should share their talents and not keep them hidden. She told us she ‘felt like a queen’ and ‘in a daydream’ or had ‘too much whiskey’ while we were doing her hair and makeup.
Shelly was also one of the younger participants in the portraits and told us that she has been at Chelsey Park for 5 years. Her family lives in London, including her sister, but she doesn’t see them often so said she enjoyed the day.