Swallow and Twig nautical shoot

You may remember the name Swallow and Twig from my last shoot with the Halifax artist and Jewellery designer which was shot in the Public Gardens just over a year ago. That shoot was heavily inspired by the jewellery, which included some designs which reminded me of the movie UP! Similarly this shoot was heavily inspired by the jewellery, this time mainly consisting of nautical themed pieces from her Nautical 2012 series,  including- Aquatic, Sailor Jerry and Marina. We headed to my favourite harbour-side location in the eastern passage at Fishermans Cove at sunset and then when we lost light I finished up a few of the pieces the next day picking berries. If you’re thinking about starting Christmas shopping (It’s my birthday tomorrow so that means it is 8 weeks until Christmas) I’d highly recommend getting in early and making an order with Mary to custom make you a piece of her wearable art. 
Big thankyou to my models Zach, Aiden, Steph, Laura and Cameron. 

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