Topher and Rae’s Wedding at Peggy’s Cove

This post is probably the hardest I’ve ever had to do, simply because of the amount of photos that I simply loved and wanted to include. Cutting it down to below 20 (what I always try to do) just simply wan’t possible in this case. Topher and Rae are an inspiring couple, from different places and brought together in Halifax. They met and married within a year and I am so happy to have been asked to photograph their very special day with their intimate ceremony. These two were just meant to be together, everything from Topher’s guitar playing matching to Rae’s beautiful voice and their awesome sense of style. 
Vintage Dress: Princess Toadie
Crinoline: ReSashay (Vintage Crinoline) 
Gloves: Seamstress by the Sea
Feathers & Tulle for Headpiece (Made by Rae)
Vintage Suit & Shirt: Thrifted from Value Village
Bow tie & Pocket Square: Made by Rae
Aprons made by their dear friend Maria Bogorode
Tables & Chairs: Thrifted and Refinished by Topher and Rae
Decor, China, Teacups, Vases, Silverware, Etc. : Thrifted Value Village, Salvation Army, & Yard Sales
Flowers (Arranged by Rae and her Mom): Fresh & Some Dried Lavender Bought from Seafoam Lavender  (Have a storefront in Halifax Market) 
Dried Lavender & Buds for tossing 
Cake: Scanway
Celebrant: Wynne Jordan from Universalist Unitarian Church of Halifax 
Wine: Topher’s Parents had the wine made and personalised in Ontario.


Congrats you got to the end! Can’t get enough of Topher and Rae? Here’s their engagement session at the Public Gardens.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Gorgeous photos, Erin! And throwing lavender is such a good idea – smells good, and no rice to pick up!

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