Davis Designs

This shoot made me feel an overwhelming sense of Girl Power. 
First off is Nicole, you might recognise her from the blog I posted on Monday about her lovely jewellery. These images were made to promote her Davis Designs line of upscale or costume jewellery. She is such a creative and talented person and cares about the environment enough to up-cycle old plastic into awesome art you can wear! 
Lee is Nicole’s best friend and made a new and improved way to make water taste better and be better for you and the environment! Little tea bag-like filters which do something similar to what Britta Filers do but you can use them in your existing bottle and save the plastic! It blew my mind to know someone so young has made such an awesome thing. 
Raina is a Mermaid. She uses her teaching background and amazing breath holding skills to teach children the importance of looking after our environment at birthday parties and fundraisers. She is a very inspirational woman to have overcome everything that life throws at her and we all loved to be able to say ‘There’s a mermaid in the basement’!
And last but not least, Bryana Doyscher is an amazing make-up artist and even from just from something simply described by us went over and above our expectations. 

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