Planet Playground

So you’ve seen all the details of the Tea Party shoot, but I truly feel that all of those components wouldn’t have come together like they did without the help of
1- The Models, shout out to all of you who had to endure the mosquitos and me running around (as my mum would say) ‘like a chook with her head cut off’ trying to pull everything together.
2- The Makeup artist Chelsey Baker who polished the models look and even stepped in at the last moment to do hair as well and last but not at all least,
3- Planet Playground Who supplied us with the dresses and tunics made from vintage material. You may have noticed her designs in one of my previous family shoots. The vintage materials that she uses stir up memories of home with almost everyone being able to see one of her designs and say ‘my Nana had sheets like that’ or something of the like. Kristen makes them more contemporary by adding ribbons and making them in cuts which are timeless. By doing this is it makes her ‘Mommy and Me‘ and other designs not go all ‘Sound of Music’ on you 🙂

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